our services

Customized Research

Gain a competitive edge with actionable, data-driven insights and recommendations that enable your company's success.

Basing strategic decisions on data is crucial in today's environment. The data source must be trustworthy and authoritative while aligning with your circumstances.

COPC Inc.'s customized research service provides unparalleled insights and strategic recommendations tailored to meet your company's unique needs. We provide qualitative and quantitative research services for clients worldwide. With years of experience and a deep understanding of the contact center and customer experience (CX) industry, we can identify emerging trends, uncover valuable market opportunities, and develop actionable strategies to help your company achieve its goals.

We conduct customized research based on your specific needs:

Examples of the breadth of research we have conducted for clients:

Key Driver Analysis

Discover what matters most to your customers to ensure your quality program, performance improvement plans and process designs meet their needs and exceed their expectations.

CSAT Measurement

Remove uncertainty with an accurate understanding of your customers’ level of satisfaction via a customized CSAT survey and measurement system designed and executed specifically for you.

Employee Engagement

Understanding employee engagement and satisfaction is pivotal in shaping the customer experience and driving business results. Our tailored solution measures employee engagement levels and identifies areas for improvement.

Location Analysis

Considering contact center locations? We conduct detailed analyses to help you understand the unique characteristics of each location and make the best strategic decision for your business.

Salary Surveys

Leverage our salary survey and in-depth insights to get the information you need to stay competitive in recruiting, retention and satisfaction.

Mystery Audits

We step directly into your customers' shoes to identify opportunities that enhance their entire service journey with you.

Access Industry Benchmarking and Employee Engagement Research

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Benefits of COPC customized research

Industry Experts

Conducted by industry experts, ensuring the insights you receive are grounded in deep industry knowledge.

Relevant Data

Leverage current data to ensure you are making decisions based on the most recent information.


Targeted vs. generalized research to support your unique needs.


Findings that go beyond the results – our experts tell you what the data means and how you can use it.

COPC customized research process


Discuss your unique objectives and create comprehensive project scope.


Create research survey, approach and methodology.


Conduct research and collect data.


Analyze research results and present detailed readout with conclusions and next steps.