Welcome to our Contact Center Consulting Glossary, a comprehensive resource designed to help you navigate the intricate world of contact center operations and management. In this glossary, you will find concise explanations and definitions for key terms, acronyms, and concepts commonly used in the contact center industry. Whether you're a seasoned professional looking to refresh your knowledge or a newcomer seeking to grasp the fundamentals, this glossary is your go-to reference for unraveling the complexities of contact center consulting.
Efficiency Metrics
Units of input (typically labor hours or costs) divided by units of output (typically number of transactions, time, or revenue). Also referred to as productivity metrics.
Employee Engagement
An employees' emotional and psychological connection with their work, organization, and goals.
Employee Lifecycle
The different stages an employee experiences within a specific job and through the employee’s progression within the organization.
Employee Satisfaction (ESAT)
A metric organizations use to measure and assess the level of contentment and happiness among their employees regarding their jobs and work environment.