Contact Center Glossary

Welcome to our Contact Center Consulting Glossary, a comprehensive resource designed to help you navigate the intricate world of contact center operations and management. In this glossary, you will find concise explanations and definitions for key terms, acronyms, and concepts commonly used in the contact center industry. Whether you're a seasoned professional looking to refresh your knowledge or a newcomer seeking to grasp the fundamentals, this glossary is your go-to reference for unraveling the complexities of contact center consulting.

Back Office Optimization

The strategic improvement and efficient management of the administrative or non-customer-facing processes and tasks that support the primary customer interactions in the contact center.


Transactions received but not processed within the defined cycle time. The appropriate measure for backlog is average time late (ATL).

Backstage Digital-Assisted Transaction

The processing of customer contacts or tasks by a system-based service without agent involvement, typically robotic process automation (RPA).

Benchmark Data

COPC Inc.'s first-hand experience from audits and reviews conducted worldwide and across industry and business sectors. These are the best examples of performance and practices we've observed to address Category 4.0 Performance of the COPC CX Standard.

Best Practice

COPC Inc.'s first-hand experience from audits and reviews conducted worldwide and across industry and business sectors. This is the best approach, process, or method witnessed by COPC Inc. to address a particular requirement of the COPC CX Standard or a process performed in a customer contact operation.

Blended Agent

A versatile and multiskilled customer service representative capable of handling multiple types of interactions.

Blocked Transaction

Customer interactions or transactions that cannot be processed or completed due to certain restrictions, issues, or limitations. These transactions are prevented from progressing or reaching a resolution within the normal flow of operations.


A software application or program designed to automate specific tasks or conversationally interact with customers. Bots are also known as chatbots or virtual assistants

Business Continuity Plan (BCP)

A comprehensive strategy and set of procedures to ensure that essential contact center operations can continue or quickly resume during a disruptive incident or crisis.

Business Critical Error

A measurement of how well the agent followed critical business processes.

Business Process Outsourcing (BPO)

A spectrum of activities that involve the outsourcing of back-office work to be handled by an outsourced service provider (OSP) or a customer service provider (CSP).