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GUEST POST: Talkdesk’s Market Feedback Aligns with COPC Inc. Employee Engagement Research

GUEST POST: Talkdesk’s Market Feedback Aligns with COPC Inc. Employee Engagement Research thumbnail Image

Written By:

Teal Benson

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November 18, 2022

The Southeast Asia (SEA) Employee Engagement Research Report is timely as it provides an accurate view of the ever-changing contact center agent environment. Some of the key takeaways from the report include: 

  • Only 58% of SEA frontline staff will continue to work for their current employer (page 9).​
  • The team leader’s technical skills and ability to address frontline staff questions are below par in SEA compared with the rest of the world, which impacts staff retention (page 25).
  • The growth and development of individuals from a technical and soft skills perspective are very important for retaining staff (page 41).
  • Having the necessary tools/reports to conduct structured reviews is critical in developing and retaining staff (page 51).
  • The shift to work-at-home (WAH) makes it essential for computer systems to be able to facilitate this setup (pages 61 – 63).

The report findings align with Talkdesk feedback from the market:​

  • Organizations that have moved to the cloud have the ability to support WAH to address seasonality and ever-changing consumer demands.​
  • Enabling frontline staff to do their job well by giving them the appropriate tools and developing their skill sets is an important contributor to staff retention.​
  • Arming managers with the appropriate key performance indicator (KPI) reporting metrics achieves a double win – monitoring staff performance whilst providing accurate feedback to staff members as part of formal and informal reviews.

Talkdesk® is a global cloud contact center leader for customer-obsessed companies. Our automation-first customer experience solutions optimise our customers’ most critical customer service processes. Our speed of innovation, vertical expertise and global footprint reflects our commitment to ensuring that businesses can deliver better experiences across any industry and through any channel, resulting in higher customer satisfaction and accelerated business outcomes.

Augustin du Payrat – Talkdesk Regional Vice President (ASEAN) 
Augustin du Payrat 
Talkdesk Regional Vice President (ASEAN) 
Talkdesk – a better way to great customer experience.

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