Average Speed of Answer (ASA)

ASA, also known as average wait time, is a key metric used to measure the average time it takes for agents to answer incoming calls. ASA is a crucial indicator of how quickly customers can connect with a live agent.

ASA is an essential metric as it directly affects customer satisfaction. A long wait time can lead to frustration and dissatisfaction. Monitoring and managing ASA helps contact centers optimize staffing levels, adjust call routing strategies, and ensure they have adequate resources to handle call volumes effectively.

By striving to reduce ASA, contact centers can enhance customer experiences, improve service levels, and minimize customer abandonment rates, ultimately contributing to higher customer satisfaction and loyalty.

How ASA is Typically Calculated

  • Call Arrival Time: This is when each incoming call arrives or is received by the system.
  • Call Answer Time: This is how long it takes for an agent to answer each call.
  • Calculation: To calculate ASA, the contact center considers the difference between the call answer time and the call arrival time for each call. The average of these differences across all incoming calls gives the ASA.

Example: if a call arrived at 10:00 AM and an agent answered at 10:05 AM, the ASA for that call would be five minutes. The organization can determine the overall ASA by calculating the average of these time differences for all calls.

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