Call Time

Call time measures an agent’s time on the phone or in live communication with a customer. It is a crucial metric for measuring agent efficiency, call center productivity, and overall service levels. Call time is often closely monitored and managed to optimize resource allocation and enhance the customer experience.

Call center management prioritizes balancing efficient call times with high-quality service. Shorter call times can lead to increased agent availability and improved customer satisfaction, provided the quality of service is maintained.

The total call time includes several components:

  • Talk Time: The duration during which the agent actively engages in a conversation with the customer, providing assistance, addressing concerns, or providing information.
  • Hold Time: When the customer is put on hold, either waiting for the agent to return or for a transfer to another department.
  • After-Call Work (ACW) Time: The time an agent spends after completing the call to wrap up details, enter notes, update records, or complete other necessary administrative tasks associated with the interaction.
  • Transfer Time: The time spent transferring the call to another agent or department, if needed, including any time spent waiting for the transfer to be accepted.

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